Every year at this time I feel like I'm sinking instead of swimming.
At work everything is coming to a close.
Open house is a few weeks away.
Report cards are coming.
Testing has not been started.
The little ones are becoming restless etc. etc....
Every year at this time my own stress triggers something in Lily.
She becomes aggressive and tantrums alot.
Last week she repeatedly overturned her time out chair
smacked scratched hit and tried to bite me.
When she was done with her tantrum she sat in my lap and sobbed.
Which I didn't have time for cause I had to be at work.
I held her for sometime but my eyes were on the clock.
She went to school in half of her pajamas and her hair was undone.
Once I dropped her off I cried the rest of the way to work.
Is she having adoption related stress or is she just being a kid.
I wish she could tell me.
Lily has not warmed up to school in 2 years.
I have felt that it is in her best interest to be made to go.
But I'm always left wondering why she doesn't care for it.
What I do know is she is a control freak.
She does not like others telling her what to do.
She does not like people in her space.
These are all things that she needs to come to terms with
When I dropped her off at school the terrible tantrum morning
She hit her teacher and made contact.
She's never wanted to say hello to her teacher.
She has always grunted at her and I've felt at a loss as to what to do.
Hitting her was the last straw.
I pulled her out of school a month early.
I thought that this would cure some of our morning drama.
Give me some peace.
well you probably know it didn't
Tuesday I was trying to get her in the car.
She was hungry but wanted nothing I had to offer.
She decided she wanted some cheese.
To which she crumbled it up and threw it on our porch.
I picked her up put her in the car and she screamed kicked and thrashed her body
the entire half hour
to my moms.
So like I said I could use a break
so today I have some sort of crappy illness
Not exactly the break I was looking for.
Fever, chills, sore throat.
I tried to go to work but my good friend made me go home.
She and Mary took my class
Thank you
It's a small break and I'll take it.
Just in case you thought it was all roses over here!