Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, February 20, 2009

Feel the pressure

Let me start off by saying that Lily has done everything LATE. I have learned not to pay any attention to the developmental scales and baby books because they made me sick with worry. Lily started crawling six days after her first birthday she walked nearing the end of her 18th month and didn't start talking until well into her second year. If you know me you know I am a worry wart. I had a lot of scenarios and theories in my head. The funniest is that when we got her referral pictures it looked as if her ears sat low on her perfect head. Low ear syndrome is what I named it and so I searched the internet for anything that had to do with low ears. My friend Monica told me with utmost patience that her ears looked perfect. Auntie Monica was right, perfect ears! So for the most part I have accepted the fact that Lily will do things when she is good and ready and have completely stopped comparing her to other children her age. Until.......................................................

Wednesday at our staff meeting a woman who works for my district, who happens to be, literally the smartest educator there is, came to speek to us. She was talking about how vocabulary development is so very important especially for the population of children I work with. She was saying how children who come from professional families know 1100 words by the time they are four. Children of poverty know 600 words. Yes, you saw that right 1100. And the amount of words they know is directly correlated to how well they will learn to read. How well they read by 3rd grade is directly correlated to the level of education they will persue. I felt small beads of sweat forming on my brow. The worry has snuck back in. I was like well I only have about 700 words to teach my sassy girl in like 7 months time. Holy SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! That is 100 words a month! So Wednesday I came home and just started talking to Lily about anything and everything. After about an hour or so of hanging with me she looked at me and said SHHHHHHHHHH mommy stop talkin to me! 6 words she knows 1094 more to go :)


Anonymous said...

LMAO i have 2 teens and a preteen abby is learning all the wrong words!! ;o)

Kelly said...

She will be fine !!!!!I love that she said Shhhh to you LMAO what a sassy girl you have and I love it!!!

Anonymous said...

This post made me laugh. I was at that staff meeting with you. I saw you nodding when the expert educator talked about the importance of rereading. I know Lily loves books and you are rereading constantly! Your little Lily is perfect and will be fine. There is nothing wrong with doing things in her own time. I was a delayed talker myself and look how I turned out--Andie

Mama Bear said...

LOL, my kids have all done things in their own time, no matter how much or what I've done to excel it!!!
But we as parents always wonder are we doing enough, making the right decisions, and etc. I've decided it just goes hand in hand with being a "mommmy"!!!
Lily is lucky to have such wonderful and loving mommy :-)

Anonymous said...

sarah! knowing words isn't the same as saying words. she probably knows WAAAAY more words than you think! don't stress! *emily